Work with the Disruption Network Lab
Disruption Network Lab is an ongoing programme of events and research focused on the intersection of politics, technology and society. We are a Berlin-based non-profit organisation in Germany (Disruption Network Lab e. V.) that has since 2014 organised participatory, interdisciplinary, international events at the intersection of human rights and technology with the objective of strengthening freedom of speech, and exposing the misconduct and wrongdoing of the powerful. We develop work that advocates for the globally marginalised.
Disruption Network Lab organises inter-disciplinary conferences at the interface of scholarship and politics and local meetups throughout the year. The conference programme is run by Tatiana Bazzichelli (founder, artistic director and curator) and the “Activation” programme by various curators who are working together with the Disruption Network team.
The goal of the Disruption Network Lab is to present and generate new possible routes of social and political action within the framework of digital culture and information technology, shedding light on interventions that provoke political and social change. Read more about our mission.