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Community Meetup: 3 April 2025 – nGbK
Community Meetup: 16 October 2025 – nGbK
Community Meetup: 14 November 2025 –Stadtwerkstatt
This event will focus on understanding how an illiberal democracy has successfully existed in the middle of the EU for the last fifteen years and how propaganda is an important tool within it.
Community Meetups
In community meetups around our main events, we connect with Berlin-based activists, communities and initiatives to share skills and create new tools to fight digital injustice.
Anyone interested is welcome to contribute to our ongoing activities and research: our meetups are a mix of open discussions, workshops and input presentations. They provide an opportunity to engage with our themes before each conference, to delve deeper after the event and to network with each other. We invite you to join us and hear from others about how they are working for social, political and cultural change around our conference themes.
Past Meetups
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The talk and the workshop aim to familiarize the participants with the nature, use of X-rays technology and images in visual arts and as evidence of war crimes through forensic investigations and prosecutions. With: Jana Lozanoska: visiting Assistant Professor of Human Rights and International Law and Program Head, Al-Quds Bard College for Arts and Sciences.
This talk and Q&A will discuss the way artificial intelligence is concretely changing the way conflicts are managed, and human rights violations are recorded. Are technologies destined to become tools of destruction and surveillance for those already in power? Are other paths possible?
This talk and workshop will ask participants to reimagine and reinvent common AI and deepfake content with focus on gender inclusivity and queer creativity.
On the night of July 8, which would have been the day before Julian Assange's appeal against extradition from the UK to the US we will celebrate the freedom of Julian Assange and connect the fight for freedom of information through the work of Assange and WikiLeaks with the fight for climate justice.
The right to analogue is not a rejection of technology, but a call for autonomy. It is another tool in the toolbox of digital rights activists, alongside decentralised software alternatives. If the right to analogue is formally recognised, companies and institutions would be obliged to provide diverse options, and this in turn could help loosen the grip that tech monopolies have on individuals, governments and society.
Join our Meetup April 25 realised in cooperation with Kulturschafft e.V. (Berlin) and Untitled Tbilisi (Tbilisi - Berlin) to learn about activities that were part of the project Pause / Play: Culture under Pressure.
Join our Meetup November 2nd with September 26th with Julia Auf dem Brinke, Co-Founder, Corruption Tracker.
Join our Meetup Tuesday September 26th with Emile P. Torres, one of the most vehement critics of longtermism.
Following our 30th conference Artivism: The Art of Subverting Power we invite you to join us on August 30 at 8pm for the screening of We’re All Going To Die, a documentary film by Ben Knight, hosted by ACUD MACHT NEU.
For the Smart Prison post-conference meet-up on May 5 at 7:30 pm at ACUD MATCH NEU in Berlin we will screen the film "The feeling of Being Watched" by Assia Boundaoui.
The event will kick off with a general introduction to the new Disruption Network Lab series, Regular Disruptions, and how it will work. We will introduce each other and discuss the impacts of prisons on our lives. The meeting will continue with a viewing of some film excerpts that will lead us into a discussion of 'what is a smart prison?’
In this workshop, we will discuss the ways in which mental health institutions and discourses were appropriated by white heteropatriarchal and capitalist logics. Together we will rethink healing from a marginal point of view….
Workshop at the NoisyLeaks festival with Tatiana Bazzichelli & Jonas Frankki
Frederik Obermaier, Tatiana Bazzichelli and Robert Trafford in dialogue around some of the book’s topics, discussing respectively the role of whistleblowers and journalists to fight for a more transparent world, the impact of whistleblowing on art and culture, and the links between “big data”, whistleblowing and open-source investigation.
A collective experiment aiming to decolonize and queer our perceptions of menstruation. Participants of all genders will be invited to share their experiences and examine the representations of menstruation and its rituals…
By Mohammad Shawky Hassan
A contemporary queer musical taking Arab folktales as its formal reference, and Egyptian pop music as its primary sonic material. A screening and talk facilitated by Disruption Network Lab and Sirens Sightings at Hošek Contemporary (Berlin Mitte)
Wednesday 22 September, 18:00 - 20:00 · Online
With: Xiaowei R. Wang (Artist, Writer, Organizer & Coder, US) and Qianqian Ye (Artist, CN/US)
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Wednesday 15 September, 19:30 - 22:30 · ACUD Macht Neu
A film directed by Dr. Malte Kaeding, DE/UK, 2021 (76 mins, with English subtitles)
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21:00 - 23:00 · ACUD Macht Neu
A film directed by Sonia Kennebeck, US, 2020, 1h43m (with English subtitles)
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An evening with the Coronavirus Tech Handbook, Pirate Care network and the COVID-19 Transparency and Accountability Project (CTAP): we will speak together about collecting and documenting resources for community actions addressing the coronavirus pandemic.
Thursday 12 November, 19:00 - 20:30 - Online meetup via Collocall
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Tonight we’ll hear from two initiatives working on a welcoming and human-rights based migration and refugee policy: Emergency and Mediterranea.
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Wednesday 28 October, 19:00 - 22:00 · ACUD Macht Neu, Veteranenstr 21, 10119 Berlin
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We invite you to join us for an evening with the Migrant Media Network – an immersion into the journey of a potential migrant to Germany using design thinking.
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19:00 - 22:00 · STATE Studio, Hauptstr 3, 10827 Berlin
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Join us tonight to explore datasets being made in cities across the world with Adam Harvey of the MegaPixels project. Maybe you’ll even find yourself.
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19:00 - 22:00 · ACUD Macht Neu, Veteranenstr 21, 10119 Berlin
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In this workshop by Amber Macintyre of Tactical Tech you will learn how to safely handle personal data when organising events, demonstrations or workshops.
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16:30— 19:00 · Supermarkt Berlin, Mehringplatz 9, 10969 Berlin
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During this workshop we will work with StealThisPoster, Special Patrol Group, and Kunstblock to learn tactics and techniques of subvertising related to aggressive corporations in the context of data tracking.
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Meetups for The Kill Cloud: Networked Warfare, Drones & AI conference, March 2022
Meetups for the Whistleblowing for Change Conference & Book Launch, October 2022
Reporting on the secretive remote killing programs presents unique challenges for journalists seeking to publish information in the public interest while respecting and protecting their sources…