Photo credits: Maria Silvano

Tatiana Bazzichelli

Founder & Artistic Director
Disruption Network Lab e. V. Board Chair

tbazz[at] · PGP

Tatiana Bazzichelli founded the Disruption Network Lab and has been its director since 2014. She curates the programme and researches the annual themes. Since September 2023, she has also directed the Disruption Network Institute. Her work focuses on hacktivism, digital culture, art and whistleblowing. In 2011-2014 she was curator at the transmediale art & digital culture festival, where she ran the year-round programme “reSource transmedial culture Berlin”. In 2019-2021, she was appointed as a jury member for the Hauptstadtkulturfonds, the Capital Cultural Fund of the Federal Government and Berlin, and in 2020-2023 as a jury member for KulturLichter, the German Prize for Cultural Education. She was a member of the Transparency International Anti-Corruption Award Committee 2020. In 2012-2014 she was a postdoctoral researcher at the Centre for Digital Cultures, Leuphana University Lüneburg. She received a Ph.D. in Information and Media Studies from the Faculty of Arts, Aarhus University in 2011. Her doctoral publication, Networked Disruption: Rethinking Oppositions in Art, Hacktivism and the Business of Social Networking, was the result of her 2009 visiting scholarship at Stanford University’s H-STAR Institute. She is the author of Whisteblowing for Change: Exposing Systems of Power and Injustice (2021); Disrupting Business: Art and Activism in Times of Financial Crisis (2013) and Networking: The Net as Artwork (2006). She has taught courses on whistleblowing, hacktivism and digital culture at many institutions, including the Department of Cultural Practice at the Potsdam University of Applied Sciences (FHP) in 2016-2017. She curated the web residencies Blowing the Whistle – Questioning Evidence (Akademie Schloss Solitude and ZKM | Center for Art and Media, 2017), and the exhibitions SAMIZDATA (NOME Gallery, 2015), Networked Disruption (Škuc Gallery, 2015), HACK.Fem.EAST (Kunstraum Kreuzberg /Bethanien, 2008), HACKmit! (MACHmit! Museum, 2007) and (Kunstraum Kreuzberg /Bethanien, 2005). She has been active in the Italian hacker scene since the 1990s, and her project AHA:Activism-Hacking Artivism received an Honorary Mention for Digital Communities at Ars Electronica 2007. Born in Rome, she has lived in Berlin since 2003.

Jonas Frankki

Disruption Network Lab e. V. Deputy Board Member

jonas[at] · PGP

Since 2014 Jonas Frankki has designed and animated the visual identity of the Disruption Network Lab and each conference, and additionally researches speakers, networks and topics for future events. Since 2023 he is also communicating the conference contents to journalists, developing media partnerships and PR, expanding the reach of the Disruption Network Lab and its activities. Jonas was born in Sweden, studied Marketing, International Relations and Culture Management in Gothenburg. In 2002 he co-founded, an early platform for crowdsourced fact checking of Swedish mainstream media. From 2012 to 2022 he worked as Art Director for sinnwerkstatt, a Berlin media agency for sustainability, designing campaigns and communication for countless German and international NGOs. He is a member of the Disruption Network Lab e. V..

Janine R.

Digital Communications & press Manager


Janine joined the Disruption Network Lab team in 2025. She is a privacy researcher, independent investigative journalist, public speaker and educator on the topics of informational self-determination and (counter)surveillance. Since 2021, she is a founding board member & secretary for the U.S.-based non-profit Open Sats, which funds FLOSS development and education. For more than a decade, she was closely following the extradition case(s) against Julian Assange. She has prior work experience in animal-assisted physical therapy and has ridden more horses than driven cars in her life; she intends to keep it that way.

Max Grigutsch



Max Grigutsch joined the Disruption Network Lab team in 2024 as a project manager. He is a freelance journalist, union organiser, political activist and a philosopher by training, interested in bridging the gap between political theory and practice. His articles appear in various leftist outlets and he is an editor at a progressive online newspaper. He is a fellow at the Berlin Institute of Critical Theory. His research is practice-oriented and explores themes in political theory and strategy, Marxism, ideology, and technology. He has previously worked as a researcher for the Technequality-Project, the Berlin Institute of Critical Theory and the University of Duisburg-Essen. As an active part of various groups and campaigns, Max has organised several events and conferences in the academic, political and cultural sphere. He was a member and chair of the student initiative “Pluralism in Economics Maastricht” and an elected student parliamentarian at Free University Berlin. Max holds an MA degree in Philosophy from the Free University Berlin.


Mauro Mondello

Press Strategist

Mauro Mondello is a freelance journalist, writer, and documentary filmmaker between Italy, Portugal and Germany. He co-curated the Disruption Network Lab conferences ORGANISED CRIME (November 2023), DATA CITIES (September 2020) and TERROR FEEDS (November 2017). He works as a correspondent for la Repubblica, Avvenire, Radio Rai, Panorama, Rivista Studio, East, Zeit Magazine among others, mainly covering the Middle East area. In 2011 he followed the Arab Revolutions in Syria, Libya, Yemen, Tunisia and Egypt. His documentaries include Stateless (2012), in collaboration with videomaker Nunzio Gringeri, a study of Tunisia's Shousha refugee camp and Lampedusa in Berlin (2015), about the stories of the refugees’ protest camp in Berlin at Oranienplatz. He is the founder and editor in chief of Yanez Magazine and ex Yale World Fellow 2020.

Photo credits: Anke Phoebe Peters

Daniela Silvestrin

programme facilitator
Disruption Network Lab e. V. Member

Daniela Silvestrin is an independent cultural manager and facilitator, curator and cultural researcher with a background in law, art history and curatorial studies. She contributed to the founding of the Disruption Network Lab in 2014. At the Disruption Network Lab, she was project manager in 2014 and 2015, co-curated the events CYBORG (May 2015) and IGNORANCE (September-October 2016), and worked again as senior project manager in 2019 and 2023. 

Her research lies at the intersection of digital media, critical theory and speculative art. Her curatorial work focuses on artistic practices that create fictions and narratives to question physical, ethical and social boundaries and paradigms. With a particular interest in the potential of speculative and disruptive creative practices at the intersection of art, society and the techno-sciences, her projects aim to envision sustainable futures and produce new forms of experimental knowledge.

 As a cultural manager and facilitator, she regularly collaborates with various cultural and artistic projects and initiatives in Berlin. She also works as legal & curatorial researcher in the team of the law firm Kambeck & Partner, a civil law firm based in Berlin and Frankfurt am Main. Daniela is a member of the Disruption Network Lab e. V.


Agnese Trocchi · 2021-2025 · Digital Communications Manager

Agnese Trocchi was digital communications manager until February 2025. She is writer, artist and social media manager. She comes from a media-hacking background (Candida TV 1999/2003), she has been in the field of social media management since 2009. In 2017 she co-founded the research group C.I.R.C.E. to promote a self-aware approach to technology and social networks using the hacker pedagogy method.

Özlem Kaya · 2022, 2024 · Senior Project Manager

Özlem Kaya was senior project manager at the Disruption Network Lab. She is one of the founders of Hafiza Merkezi Berlin, a hub for civil society exchange in Europe to confront increasing authoritarianism, and advocate for gender equality within and beyond human rights movement. Furthermore, she is one of the founders and editors of the feminist online blog Çatlak Zemin.

Elena Veljanovska · 2020-2024 · Senior Project Manager

Elena Veljanovska was senior project manager at the Disruption Network Lab, and also served as deputy board member of the Disruption Network Lab e. V. for two years. From 2012 to 2019 she was the executive director and programme curator at Kontrapunkt Skopje, where with Iskra Geshoska she co-developed the Festival for Critical Culture - CRIC (founded in 2016).

Veronika Nad · 2023-2024 · Finance & Administration Officer

Veronika has been working as an activist and campaigner since 2015, and joined Disruption Network Lab as finance and administration officer until March 2024. She also worked as a project coordinator for the Disruption Network Institute in 2023. Veronika is one of the founders of Blueprint for Free Speech.

Alice Bazzichelli · 2022-2023 · Communications Assistant · Disruption Network Lab e. V. Member

Alice Bazzichelli worked as communication assistants for two years. She has been an active member of Dominio Pubblico Teatro and CULTURIT Association in Italy and collaborated with the Center for Media, Data and Society (CMDS) at the Central European University in Budapest. She worked in the communication department at Freemuse and Action Aid.

Sabina Barcucci · 2023 · Project & Community Manager

Sabina Barcucci is a cultural manager and project architect. She worked as project and community manager at the Disruption Network Lab in 2023. Before, she worked as a co-curator and innovator at the Genoa Science Festival. She directed the center for digital culture and DIY open source technology at MUSE Fablab at MUSE Science Museum and co-founded the EU network FabLabNet.

Lori Šramel Čebular · 2023 · Project & Community Assistant

Lori was an intern at the Disruption Network Lab, providing assistance to the project and community manager. Recently she has conducted a research project at Warwick University with the central focus of investigating the concept of cybersecurity and its connection to the use of digital media platforms in authoritarian regimes.

Lorin Decarli · 2022–2023 · Administration Officer & Legal Advisor

Lorin Decarli is a Berlin-based jurist and worked at the Disruption Network Lab as administrator officer and legal advisor. He is lecturer at the Humboldt University for Italian Law and human rights advocate for EMERGENCY, an international NGO founded in 1994.. Since 2018, he has contributed as media editor for the Disruption Network Lab programme, publishing the conferences' reviews.

Nada Bakr · 2017–2022 · Project Manager, Community Curator & Communication Officer · Disruption Network Lab e. V. Member

Nada Bakr worked as project manager of the Disruption Network Lab from 2017 to 2022, and as communication officer in 2017 and 2018. Since 2019 she was also the project manager of the community-based Activation Programme of the Lab and she curated the community programme of 2022. Previously, she was the Managing Director and co-curator of Cairotronica. She is a member of the Disruption Network Lab e. V.

Lieke Ploeger · 2019–2022 · Community Director & Administration Officer

Lieke Ploeger worked as community director and administration officer of the Disruption Network Lab for three years until January 2022. She co-initiated the Activation community programme, and also served as board member of the Disruption Network Lab e. V.. She was the co-founder of the independent project space SPEKTRUM art science community in Berlin from 2014 to 2018. She previously worked for the Open Knowledge Foundation.

Alannah Travers · 2020–2021 · Digital Communications Manager

Alannah started to work at the Disruption Network Lab soon after moving to Berlin in October 2020 and managed our online communications until September 2021. After graduating from Durham University in 2018, she worked for a variety of political communications agencies and social movements.

Monti Harmony · 2019–2020 · Project Manager · Disruption Network Lab e. V. Member

Since 2019 Monti Harmony worked as project manager for the Disruption Network Lab conference programme as well as contributing to the development of the community programme. He is a member of the Disruption Network Lab e. V.. He is involved in actions for culture and technology to gain back digital autonomy.

Stef Lenk · 2020 · Press & Communication Manager

Stef Lenk worked as Press and Communication Manager for Disruption Network Lab in 2020. Before moving to Berlin in 2010 she was a graphic designer for the Canadian Broadcasting Corporation and a self-publisher of comics. She works as a freelance graphic designer and illustrator and maintains an independent art practise.

Pierre Golbach · 2020 · Press & Communication Manager

Pierre Golbach worked as Press and Communication Manager for our first conference of 2020. He co-founded the Sensemakers Collective for participatory and systemic facilitation and previously worked for the European Parliament and the German Society for Development Cooperation.

Giacomo Marinsalta · 2019 · Press & Communication Manager

Giacomo Marinsalta worked as press and communication manager for the Disruption Network Lab from May to December 2019. He is currently studying at the Master of Arts, European Media Studies, Fachhochschule Potsdam.

Kim Voss · 2015–2018 · Project Manager · Disruption Network Lab e. V. Member

Kim Voss worked as project manager at the Disruption Network Lab from the first conference programme in 2015 until the end of 2018. She graduated in Arts Management and Cultural Work from Fachhochschule Potsdam and is a media scholar at TU Berlin. She is a member of the Disruption Network Lab e. V..

Rahel Währer · 2018 · Administration Officer & Manager

Rahel Währer worked as administration officer and manager at the Disruption Network Lab in 2018 for the conference programme “Misinformation Ecosystems”. She graduated in Linguistic, Literary and Cultural Studies from TU Dresden and is studying Religion and Culture at HU Berlin.

Claudia Dorfmüller · 2016–2017 · Project Manager & Administration Officer · Disruption Network Lab e. V. Member

Claudia Dorfmüller worked as project manager and administration officer at the Disruption Network Lab in 2016 and 2017, contributing to the foundation of the Disruption Network Lab e. V.. Since 2018 she is part of the Leadership Team of the Arthur Boskamp Foundation in Hohenlockstedt. She is a member of the Disruption Network Lab e. V..

Tabea Hamperl · 2016 · Press Manager

Tabea Hamperl worked as press manager for the “Art as Evidence” programme series of the Disruption Network Lab in 2016. She is a freelance and worked as press manager for transmediale festival for eight years.

EXTERNAL collaborators

Magnus Ag · 2021 · Guest Curator

Magnus Ag co-curated the conference POWERS OF TRUTH (October 2021). He is a human rights advocate, journalist, researcher and the founder of Bridge Figures. He is the public interest infrastructure advisor to International Media Support and has defended the right to artistic freedom with Copenhagen-based Freemuse.

Helen Faller · 2018 · Development Associate

Helen Faller helped to expand Disruption Network Lab's circle of long-term potential donors as part of its ongoing capacity-building efforts. She has a Ph.D. in Anthropology from the University of Michigan and has raised nearly 1.3 million Euro for small nonprofits working for social change.